Feb 14, 2006 22:03
Yeah so I was just going through my old archives of my journal entries and Ithink I have finally found my favorite entry! ENJOY......
Jul. 26th, 2004 @ 11:49 am Another successful Margarita night in the CV!!
Current Mood: amused
Current Music: Tequila - (don't know who its by)
SO last night was so ranodm and hilarious! Scotty and G-ball decided to come up and chill with Kristen and I. We made yummy margaritas with my close friend Jose and decided to read the "Hot and Steamy" issue of Cosmo.......ummm yeah you can imagine the conversations we bagan to have....here are some quotes from the night.
"Shit damn" - me
"Is this fish or seaweed?" - G-ball
"For the love of everything" - Kristen
"I like it froggy style" - Scotty
"Tea bag me baby!" - G-ball
"How would you swim?"
"Froggy style" - Scotty
"Penis above water" - G-ball
"Make me a sandwich" - Scotty
"What are 4 Mexicans in a swimming pool?"
Quatro Cinco - Scotty
"You should be a thespian" - Kristen to G-ball
"No then he would be gay" - Me
"Are you drunk?" - Me to G-ball
"No I just relieved that with my penis" - G
"Thanks for being good influences you F*c$s" - Me to them cuz I should have been studying
So yeah we were entertained for hours by this. What can I say simple minds simple pleasures.
Anyways.....I am exhausted today 3.5 hours of sleep just ain't cutting it anymore lol So yeah I will be going now!