Jan 24, 2005 21:29
legitimate questions that you would ONLY hear at culver :
-hey...does your family own the Jets?
-hey...does your family own the Yankees?
-hey...did you come up with your own theorem?
-hey...do your parents own the sweet n low company?
-hey...do your parents own mexico?
-hey...was Condeleeza Rice your teacher at stanford?
-hey...is your uncle Quincy Jones?
-hey...did Hal Holbrook graduate from here?
-hey...is your dad senator McCaine?
-hey...did the minister of tea graduate from here?
-hey...is your dad the general of the brazilian army?
-hey...did Frito Lay really donate a building here?
-hey...does your family own burger king?
-hey...did your parents really pay for the equest center?