my 19 hour day

Apr 30, 2004 14:05

man, yesterday was the longest day that i have had in a long long time. i had to wake up at 8:30 to work for this food bank benefit. i got paid 200 bucks for my time, and all i had to do was set up tables and chairs all morning. i got there around 10 and had to wait around for an hour till all the stuff was delivered so i was getting paid 15 dollars an hour to drink coffee and smoke cigarettes. i got finished around 4 and took a short nap on my uncles couch until they started to have a meeting around me. i woke up about 45 minutes after i feel asleep and i was pretty refreshed. i was surprised i lasted all day and into the next morning. i was tossing and turning all night and really didn't get much sleep. after my nap i still had to kill some time so i rode down to the charles river to sit and watch the sun across the water and all the boats. i wish i have a small two person sail boat. from camp i remember that they are a lot of fun. so i sat there for 20 minutes or so and smoked a cigarette then made my way back to work so i could run the show, and for those of yow that don't know what show i referencing to, it's 6 street plays from the 60's. i still have 4 comps to the show so if any of you fine people i know would like to see it let me know and we could work something out. so, the show ran from 7:30 till 10. my day was far from over cause i then had to go back to the food bank thing and over see all the clean up. which meant for me eat some good food have a beer then walk around and make sure everyone has what they need. i did that for like an hour than gave up when i started to aimlessly wonder around. i went back into the the office and had a pint of this really, really good hard cider from Ireland. i'm going to try and gank some more and keep here at the apartment. so if you want some really good apple cider that'll make you feel warm and fuzzy inside you have to come over. or if you convince me i'll go where ever and share. so, after my last beer at the office i bidded Adam and my uncle Chuck a fair well and hopped on my bike. riding when you are buzz is pretty fun, you can't feel your muscles as much and it makes the ride so much easier. i got back to allston around 1 and called up my homies from around the way and stopped in for a stimulating evening. we talked of the future and we'll hopefully have a show lined up for the the leland centre before ms. radiotik leaves for Italy. so if you are reading this donna let me know what day you think would work to have this event so you can see me and everyone else perform before your trip. if it does fall through and we can't do it i will plan one for your return. all right i think that's it for my day yesterday. it was a long ass day and it resulted in a long ass post.
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