Another crappy Monday

Mar 20, 2007 15:10

But not nearly as crappy as the last time I posted about a bad Monday. Yesterday some crack-head broke into our house. They pried the sliding glass door lock apart and screwed it up pretty good. All in all, they only made out with a couple of laptops and a digital camera, all of which should be covered by insurance. I'm guessing that's all they could carry, since there were at least two more laptops and mp3 players and so on in the same room. Also no guns were taken, which would have been easy enough. The power cords for both laptops were left behind, rendering one useless immediately, and the other soon. Besides password protection should hamper any efforts to actually use it. The disk for the camera wasn't even in it, so even that will be pretty worthless unless someone wants to go and spend some money first. Isn't that the idea behind stealing stuff in the first place? Because you didn't want to spend any money...

Oh well, could have been a lot worse. At least we will only be living in this house for another few months, then we'll move into the new house. It's a lot more secure and even has an alarm system and all the goodies.

Oh yeah, I don't think I ever mentioned...I'm buying a new house. It's bigger better faster more. Obviously or else I wouldn't bother buying it.
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