losungeles oh losungeles...when will there ever be relief...

Nov 13, 2013 22:49

wow...what should i type or say...i cant even type much.

seriously, i dont know how to express myself nemore, its gotten that pathetic. all my expressions seem to be worn out and if only my imagination could b lived out and then i would b relieved...or would i?

i got married in august of this year and dang is it tough.

my wife and seems to hold onto her opinion more than anything and tends to breakdown all the time if she doesnt get her way like some spoild child.

we got into a fight, not that i consider it a fight but morelike an argument.....wait nooo


holy shit, if there is such a thing...shes unbearably annoying.

she keeps repeating the same shit...like for fucking real, she repeats herself like she has a fucking mental repetitive problem.
she was just talking to me and repeated the whole entire shit that just happened and i just said

out of respect can u please not talk to me now because i cant hear u right now. im already annoyed and im tryin got maintain my cool and i just need some silence right now and we can talk tomorrow.

shes fucking nagging...oh my fuck! fuck fuck!

she acts like the innocent one all the fucking time and im the fucking guilty one...fuckin shit i have no fair trial!

i dont care if i win or lose just that we can get along....fuck!

okay the fight starts right after we get into the car after attending a couples group.
over a fucking gps...so we turn on the gps and im like yeah lets go local so we know how to get local next time...thinking that i will be driving so i should know how to go local and highway...not that its far but i wasnt paying much attention last time.

so i say, lets try local this time so that i can remember...fuck i cant even type this shit out...i cant even know how i even having this fucking journal. fuck.

God help me...

oh geeze its not worth explaining...basically the gps was set at an option she didnt like, which is nothing trivial...soo all i say is let me help u navigate and just listen to my directions. soo were driving and we did not get lost and made it home, safely thank God.

but the whole entire trip she is yapping about how the directions were misleading.
i was like this is a team building thing...can u just trust me to direct us home??
but she wouldnt let go of the fact that the gps was not set the way she wanted...but i said just try it this once and i will change it back to the way u like it.
she still carried on the one fact that i didnt change it.
reason why i didnt change it right away was that i was tired and said i would help guide u.
but no she kept on going back to the fact that the gps was set the way it was...
i said just trust me...
she kept on going on with the same complaint.

now her head hurts and thats because shes way toooooooooooooooooooooooo sensitive.

sseriously, i wish we had a vdo camera on us too show how stupid we look at times.

yes, i should have changed it in the beginning...but she drove first and didnt say it was that big of an issue until she was driving along....i actually had to shuttup cause i was afraid she would do something stupid.

now she said something offensive....that pissed me off where i can be hulk.

we might be having a baby..no one in the family knows this and lets keep it at that.

can we support a baby right now..nope...we might neeed government assistance...who knows..

what she said....'i dont want this baby'...that pisssed me off and only saying pissed is soo hard for me to ttype cause i feel like im totally degrading my pissed offfnesss......argh!

neway...i trust in God that He has this in control, but i have doubts about us...we both dont have steady jobs...u can say that were both in a way highschool kids w/ no senses..okay not that bad...but pretty close with no steady job...but i will not worry.

i believe that this marriage can work....just that its taking more and more work...i feel brain dead..she has headaches like she has cancer or a tumor...i have no clue.

ahhhhhh forget it...i cant type nemore....this is going into the blackhole...

God help us, save us, save us! Amen!
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