(no subject)

Apr 29, 2009 21:41

go ma ying jeou!

i never really sat down and thought about how in the year 2008, two crappy presidents that were a part of my life were suddenly replaced with brighter, more competent, and much better looking men!

george bush and chen shui bian of taiwan ---
both are rather monkey-like in appearance, and then i mentioned that the latter also looked like jackie chan;

bro says: actually
bro says: i think chen shui bian looks like milhouse
me says: have the same side hair split
me says: and the same blank expression
me says: HAHAHAHA
bro says: and the same big nose
bro says: lol
---5 minutes later---(edit)
bro says: u must be bored to actually compare milhouse and abian
me says: ......
me says: no
me says: that was YOU

and of course those two were replaced by obama (one hot man, as all of you already know) and ma ying jeou, which is surprisingly pleasant looking (just a tad wrinkly but very MANLY wrinkles. around the eyes. maybe a bit too manly-wrinkly)


do not drink too much olive oil. or maybe it's just me--but yeah, a cup olive oil mixed with fresh-squeezed lemon juice (which sinks to the bottom) doesn't sit too well in the stomach. (drinking the lemon juice part seriously BURNED) i didn't puke it ALL up but some of it. i consulted with kachi about this and i just thought some of you would like to know, incase you decide someday for some reason to take an unsightly amount of lipids. olive oil has this really repulsive taste too that doesn't help it stay down.


i'm going back to taiwan soon and yeah, feeling patriotic (sorry america!) and not-yet-disillusioned!


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