The Adventures of Mr. Paystree - I Love a Piano

Sep 22, 2009 16:46

'Life can't be all bad when for ten dollars you can buy all the Beethoven sonatas and listen to them for ten years.' - William F. Buckley, Jr.

Credit for the title of this photostory goes to Irving Berlin and his funky composition. One of the two songs within belongs to Pam Wedgwood's 'Green Jazzin' About - fun pieces for piano/keyboard' and the other is the work of Max Reger. Not mine whatsoever. Also, Mr. Paystree and Ms. Chocolate are courtesy of Vanilla (Kajang).

3.00 p.m., at the Bread & Baker's Music Academy.

Mr. Paystree: This is such a posh place. I can never get used to sitting on fine white lace in the waiting room.

Note to self: Better make sure no chocolate coffee cream's leaking out - that wouldn't be pretty.

Ms. Chocolate: Hello, Mr. Paystree. Good to see you've arrived on time for our lesson. Why don't you go into the practice room and get warmed up? I'll be there in a moment, just need to powder my nose with a little sugar...

Mr. Paystree: Open up the lid...pull down the rack...there. *huff huff* It's kinda hard work for a simple pastry like myself. But better me than Ms. Chocolate! Ah, there she comes now!

Mr. Paystree: Such a nice new book, Ms. Chocolate! Is this for me?

Ms. Chocolate: It certainly is. Now, why don't you try your hand at Improvisation No. 1, by Reger? Allegretto con grazia, please.

Mr. Paystree: But - but what about my 'Save the Whale Waltz'?

Ms. Chocolate: Never mind that frivolous song, it's time for some Romantic pieces. Now, one - two - three - and...

Mr. Paystree: *starts off clumsily* ...Ms. Chocolate, can't I... *pauses at a daunting segment of accidentals* ...can't I try it one hand at a time?

Ms. Chocolate: Sight-reading practice, dear. Keep going and don't talk, you'll have problems concentrating.

Ms. Chocolate: Hmm, it needs lots of fine-tuning, Paystree. Now try it slowly at largo, with the metronome.

Metronome: *ting - tock - tock - tock*

Mr. Paystree: *under his breath* I hate that thing.

Ms. Chocolate: Concentrate, Paystree. Concentrate.

Ms. Chocolate: Well, that concludes our lesson for today. Same time next week, and practice that song. Make sure you use the metronome.

Mr. Paystree: *thoroughly exhausted by now* Y-yes, Ms. Chocolate.

Mr. Paystree: Urgh. Can't. Get. Up. Will lie here awhile.

Note to self: Never, ever judge a book by its cover.

the adventures of mr. paystree

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