Some things never change... like the last three answers.

Jan 02, 2009 01:19

Ten things you want to say to ten different people:
1. You will be my best friend forever.
2. You are so fucking fun and I can't wait to reunite.
3. I can't wait to skank with you... finally! :)
4. You need to open your eyes and take me out of the friend zone.
5. I feel like I'm fucking with you and I feel really guilty.
6. I wish I had your class again!
7. Stop disappearing on me!
8. Bitch hang out with me or don't. Make up yo mind.
9. I totally have a school-girl crush on you.
10. I miss you already! Bah!

Nine things about yourself:
1. My favorite color is green.
2. I am very indecisive. Mainly because I like to please everyone.
3. I have no idea what I want to do after college.
4. I am 19 but everyone always thinks I'm much older.
5. I don't drink, but not for any particular reason.
6. I love the people I work with.
7. I am a Northerner at heart.
8. I don't want kids and doubt I'll ever have a traditional wedding.
9. I don't like most vegetables, save for corn on the cob.

Eight ways to win my heart:
1. Make me laugh.
2. Be a MAN.
3. Cook me a delicious meal (Mac & Cheese included).
4. Sing for me.
5. Playing an instrument at the same time helps.
6. Be straightforward with me.
7. Challenge me.
8. Figure out what the fuck I want and give it to me haha.

Seven things that cross your mind a lot:
1. What the fuck am I going to do with my life?
2. Do I REALLY want to date him?
3. Why aren't you texting me backkk?
4. Is America really as fucked as it seems?
5. Does anyone have it all figured out?
6. How do the middle-aged people at my job stand it?
7. What is he thinkinggg?

Six things you wish you never did:
1. Grew a distaste for healthy things.
2. Let him make me feel worthless.
3. Started this shit again...
4. Sat on my ass so frequently.
5. Ate whatever got me to this point.
6. Regretted anything.

Five turn-offs:
1. Dishonesty.
2. Really short hair.
3. Really big muscles.
4. A lack of a sense of humor.
5. A giant ego.

Four turn-ons:
1. An unexpected romantic gesture.
2. A kiss that he takes charge of.
3. Theatrical talent.
4. A genuine smile.

Three smileys that describe your life:
1. =D
2. =|
3. =/

Two things you want to do before you die:
1. Be truly and completely loved by someone I truly and completely love.
2. Figure out what I want to do with my life.

One confession:
1. I often wonder what my life would be like if my dad had never left.
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