Sep 01, 2007 21:43
bajitafajita (8:46:32 PM): ok. lemon chill today was really bad for tips
bajitafajita (8:46:41 PM): $3 between me and my partner
bajitafajita (8:46:49 PM): *$3.50
bajitafajita (8:51:50 PM): and i got a farmer's tan majorly
***University of Michigan vs. Appalacian Mountaineers 34-32 UofM LOST?? made Yahoo!News***
**out of 100,000 fans, 999,996 fans left the stadium PISSED, around 4+team were excited**
bajitafajita (9:00:37 PM): how about my day yesterday?
so in the morning 10 am the cc team was at Dodge Park. since we ran horribly overall at the Centerline meet and since we had sat,sun, and mon off for team practice, this one was going to be a toughy. 5 miles medium pace, looping one way in the forest, then the other way, then on the gravel. afterward, some 800 repeats. well on the second loop i got lost in the woods, asked about 4 different people on the path if they had seen a girl in white (Gina) or a girl in blue (Beth) run that way, but alas, no luck. so i finally come out of the forest, see Mr.Valgoi and ask, "How lost was I?" he laughed. i skipped the gravel part and did 6 miles anyway. so i got out of one repeat and only did 2, dropping 10 secs on the second repeat to 2:48 (not full 800s, closer to 600) then I went to Vintemiglias with tato. OH LORD does it smell good in there. anyway, the cashier sees tato fumbling with bill and comments that he can break $100 bills. tato jokes he hasn't seen one of those since his kids and i threatened to put him in a nursing home. the cashier dude and tato laughed. then we went to Biondo's for meattato walks in and asks the cashier lady if they accepted Bridge cards before we shopped. inside is a mofo huge Cholula bottle. tato asks a meat counter lady if the bottle came with a pump and she joked about just sucking it up through a straw but the bottle was just for promotion/decoration. i told tato and mama that would be the perfect graduation gift, as long as it came with a squirt top for easy Cholula access. remember, i was grungy still from practice. as we left Biondo, the cashier lady says, "Would you like a breadstick?" I turn around as she hands me a little breadstick and i thank her. i'm thinking to myself, "How POOR, MISERABLE, and LITTLE do i look??" but really no complaints. it was a tasty treat. finally we head back home.
i forgot to tell you Gina went back into the woods to look for me and chatted with a nice Irishman who saw me 5-6 minutes ago.
and Coach Becky got a good laugh out of it
Greggers wasn't there til our pushups and crunches
bajitafajita (9:21:31 PM): how about another good story from tuesday?
ok we were road tripping to Delia Park for practice. after school, i hop into Mallory's new 18th b-day present, BabyGirl, a black mini SUV thing with a couple other girls and we're off. i end up being the master of directions and with only one call to coach for a technicality, we get there easy squeezy lemon peezy. when we get there, the first parking lot is full of boys, in fact, UofD cc runners (halleluja.) the second has our Regina runners but on the way to the right parcking lot we fumble with the idea of a joint practice . . . and Gregger's reaction if we asked. so our practice ends up being hill sprints, 15 in all, with a short run before and after. the whole time, UofD boys are running around and on top of our hill during water breaks. and what shirt is your genius renny-roo wearing? oh yes -- DLS homecoming 2006, bright gold color. perfecto, no? so practice ends and Mal is carting us back. she doesn't realize 14 mile came so close so she misses a left turn, does a pointless loop-de-doop in a parking lot that confused other drivers, and keeps heading down Ryan. we see a street called "Jenny" and we remembered running down there so we turn on there. Dead End. turn around and another Dead End. drive in reverse to the first street and out to Ryan. magicly we see Masonic and we've never been happier to see Masonic but when we turn on it, it ends up on Jenny and more Dead End streets like WTF, mate?! we're back on Ryan now, hitting every stop sign and red light. we see Chicago Rd and Old 13, figure that's close enough to 13 and head down somehow. now we find the right Masonic we need. we're SOO late by now, 1,2 calls from coach wondering where we were. we're extremely excited to be on good ol' Masonic again and we're kinda speeding a bit. suddenly a motocycle dude switched directions on Masonic and is then behind us - a cop. Mal freaks out about what to do and we tell her pull over, where she runs over a curb (good impression.) the cop sees her Detroit liscence and asks wat she's doing in Warren and we tell him Regina runners. since the car is new, Mal isn't 100% where registration and proof are so the cop ends up helping her dig through papers to figure it out. as he walks off, us freaking out, Mal starts crying talking about insurance rising, the ticket itself, groundation, pissed coach, pissed runner parents, pissed HER parents, and that she'll never be allowed to drive runners again. the cop comes back and he tells her he feels she needs a break and that he'll save her a bunch of money. THEE HAPPIEST MOMENT EVER full of gratitude. so we head back to regina, the idea set that we would jump out of the car and Mal would keep driving off before coach could get to her. he does but he's not mad and neither are the parents. i end up back at home an hour late but our adventures made it worthwhile.
i forgot to tell you Mal kept asking me to drive so we wouldn't get lost again
sapphirexstorm (9:46:12 PM): lol
sapphirexstorm (9:46:14 PM): wow
sapphirexstorm (9:46:20 PM): seems you've been having fun, m'dear
i heart my seri-loo.