Apr 30, 2008 14:34
Because I need to fangirl.
Ah, the conspiracy!
I mean, I already knew that Kiara was the sneaky bastard pulling the strings behind the scenes. But now? With the knowledge that he's been pulling the strings since the moment Rahzenshia Rose was found in the woods waiting to die and decided to be 'reborn' as Rahzel? And THAT'S why mini Alzeid is so fixated on Rahzel? And with the hints of cloning and such:
Natsume -> Rahzenshia/Rahzel
*Squee* Now the 'You belong to me' comments Kiara made volumes ago rings so much deeper than the merely the 'stalker' Rahzel pegged him as. Though, I wouldn't be entirely surprise if Kiara was the one to kill Natsume in the first place.
I want volume 9 now, please.
...And seriously... the anime just wasn't hardly worth watching in comparison to this awesomeness.
fandom: hatenkou yuugi