PersonA ~Phantom of the Opera~
Part 2 is up and ready~!
[ here ] A cutesy short intermission before we get back to the main action, I expect.
...And I mean really cutesy. (Sorta side-eyed it just on principle. Angst and PotO are sorta like PB & J, it feels weird when one is missing.)
Also a wee bit chagrined.
So she stays when he tells her to leave. And, while this seems a bit DiD on Christine's part, in retrospect, it occurs to me that just expecting that she'd leave on her own after he told her to was a rather bad on Erik's part as well.
Seriously Erik, what? You expected her to figure her way out of your underground, funhouse of death all on her own? Hand at the level of your eyes and all that? Nooo, thank you.
I blame the fever.