Not suspicious. Not at all.
So! They did do the mask. - A really watered down version sans Toma and Kent, which was a wee bit sad because it was one of those rare Ikki jealousy moments. And the fact that it was Kent's suggestion that Ikki use the mask to throw off the fangirls cracked me up to no end. - But they did add it, which made me happy.
I was also impressed the added it at all since this sucker went through events fast so it could touch on Ikki's eyes before the change up. Which makes me wonder just how rushed it must have felt for people not familiar with the game, 'cause I, for one, felt rushed. And, while it did give us a much fuller grasp of Ikki's character it also felt a bit watered down. But. *shrugs* YMMV
More importantly.
Ukyo made his walk on! Eeee~! And while, again, they skipped out the Ikki jealousy moment, they kept it smack down to the game with this one. (Since Ukyo's only appearance in Spade was to warn about the fangirls and walk off.)
The fact that she's remembering all the times she's seen him now is making it all the more delicious knowing that the next appearances from Ukyo should be from his Black side. (His first appearance in Diamond made me think he was completely unhinged. XD) So I'm looking forward to that.
I'm also definitely convinced at this point that the Heroine is dying in her transitions now. It goes with the theme. It makes sense. It's what I'm going with.
That being said. I thought the last scene with Orion was wonderful~!
Just. Beautiful.
Considering how happy he was in Later to finally get a chance to actually touch her. I'm really happy that the anime is taking care to show the other side. Because, quite frankly, Orion was adamant about helping the Heroine while trying to complain as little about his own position as possible so we didn't get to see hardly any of the frustration he felt in game. Animated it shows up much better!!
It's the little details like that, that make me happy.
However. I'm placing bets on Diamond being next.
...I can already hear the cage door slamming shut. orz
Ah, Toma, you're psychotic and I love you for it... But, quite frankly, any attempt to give your route a positive spin creeps me the fuck out.
...And if I wasn't convinced that they're going to make use of black!Ukyo and the well to kill the Heroine off this next time I'd guess that they'd being using Toma...
Nothing left but to close my eyes and cross my fingers at this point.