I went with Gabby to Sacramento and met up with Bassbin Twins, Uberzone and some friends to head up to a forest party near Colfax. It was quite a night. Kind of legendary in some small ways, but really just full of drunken tomfoolery.
I puked. Others puked.
Doc Martin yelled "Weee're Raving in the Foooooorest!!"
Here's pics:
http://www.flickr.com/photos/jamonit/sets/72157620034216299/ I'm sofuckingfull right now from the Curry vegetables I made. Gawdamn.
Here's those almost being cooked:
http://twitpic.com/85zk0 This Friday, Saturday and Sunday we are going camping at Clear Lake with the dogs. And just chillin out, fishing and probably going to see the Lost Boys at Konocti...