May 31, 2006 00:47
I feel live I've found a purpose in life. An ultimate meaning for which I am to lead my life and contribute so that in the end, God will be happy. It is based around 1 of the 2 questions that God asks of you on that final judgement day. That question is "What did you do with what I gave you?" I sat down and took a look at this question, and I realized, it doesn't matter where your from or who you are, what you look like and why you THINK you're here, the true answer is how did you use what was given to you for the betterment of yourself and others. Everything in my life has unraveled for a reason, and not just by some random events that decided to take place. God would never put more infront of you than what you can handle, and I've come to realize that now, looking back on what has been. No matter how hard something gets, God knows that you can overcome it, and THATS why it happens. Not just to see if your tough or to try to weed out the "pussies," but to strengthen you and give you more knowledge to help you lead your life in the best way possible. Its not till after I went through some of the shit I went through, and most of it caused by me, that I realized what had really happened to me during those moments. I no longer feel the pain that I felt when they happened, or the sadness. Its no longer with me, and has remained in the past for me to remember. The important thing now, is what DID stay with me. I've learned important lessons from each and every one of those events and its led to a better understanding of myself and of life. Its something that will lead me to eternal happiness, and THATS whats important. Sure I might not be as happy as I want to right now, but whats more important? Happiness in the present, or eternal happiness.
Nothing comes easy. I'm sure thats a phrase we are all familiar with. It's true. But what happens when you complete something that you have been slaving over for so long, and had worked so hard on? A sense of relief and happiness. Mortal life is just a small step in our entire eternal life, and this is when we are placed to interact with others to not only improve ourselves, but help others along the way of their own enlightenment. Now when I say enlightenment, I don't mean self-enlightenment, because it doesn't matter how we live our lifes for ourselves, but what is important is how we live our life for God.
We were all blessed with certain knowledge and gifts that we may not know yet, but will one day come to realize them. Each event in our life happens so that we can take something from it. I'll use myself as an example. Me being overweight has taught me a few things and helped me to see things in a different point of view. I'm not perfect, and I don't look like others or think like others in that respect. But this has shown me how society thinks, and I have taken a front seat to the brunt of jokes, and the basis of laughter. My mind has been able to take this information and analyze it and see how people think and are affected by media and others in life. This is a gift. A gift for which I was placed on this Earth to spread and help others come to the realization that I have come to. That each person is different for a reason, and that not one person should be outcasted for looks, or personality, or preference. Now I tell you what I have realized, and maybe some of you will see and understand what I mean. Why should we chastise others for not being the same as us? and What if everyone was the same? Would we be happy and not have a care in the world? I doubt it. You see there is no 1 way to live. Theres not 1 set standard for which we need to lead our lives. A good friend of mine helped me to see it in this way. Negatives in life are just pathways to enlightenment. In essence, there is no negative outlook on life, because there shouldn't be. We need only to be worried about the good things, and the things we have been blessed with because these are the things that will allow us to seek that ultimate happiness in the end.
It helps to discuss life with others. Theres no need to be afraid of what your views are because those views might be something no one has ever thought of. Do not be ashamed to be who you are because you are that way for a reason. Spread your knowledge and help others to achieve what they want in life. Don't lead life for yourself because that will get you nowhere in the end.
To finish up here, this is how I have viewed things and learned from reading and experiences. They are in no means the true answer to life, but what I believe to be right. I'm happy to have friends to speak with this over a nice hookah, and who have helped develop my way of thinking. So thats pretty much it, if you ever want to talk to me just IM me.