Apr 11, 2006 16:51
Hi all!
Cassy, I'm so glad you declared your majors! Shemille, just smile sweetly. It pisses my brother off to no end. Katharwen, I hope you have fun in Tobago, even if you don't want to go! You all go, girls!
My day was pretty good! Okay, so my knee is still giving me shit, but it's the second to last day of school before Spring Break, and I finally got my grades up to a B-average. Algebra was really bringing me down, and drinving me insane. Still is, but it's to a lesser degree now. I even got the e-mail sent out to the rest of the newspaper staff regarding the last (or second to last) issue before summer break. Woo hoo!
Went to Solo & Ensemble States this Saturday, on one fucking leg. Hurt like the blazes, I'm not kidding. I sang 'Il Mio Bel Foco' without the high ending Cassy pulled off so beautifully. I wish I had your voice, hon! And I also sang 'Oh! Had I Jubal's Lyre,' with lotttttts of long and complicated slurred runs. Then I went and did sightreading, which totally sucked ass. I got straight II's, which is good, But I was kind of hoping for a I in Performance, that was the best I'd ever sang either song. But oh well, there's always next year.
Two days from now! Two days and I find out what exactly is wring with my damned knee! I'm serious, every time I move it, I want to scream, but my leg is so swollen now, I have to exercise it, or my leg will start to atrophy more that it already is. Ucky.
We just started singing 'Matchmaker' from "Fiddler on the Roof", and the damn thing is permanently wedged in my head. "Matchmaker, matchmaker, make me a match...." And we just started singing a song from the Boadway play "Wicked," it's called 'For Good.' It's an absolutely gorgeuos song that we're going to sing at graduation for the seniors, and I know we're all gonna be crying, just like last year when we sang 'Memories' and 'Graduation Day.'
Okay, I"m off to study the liver, stomach, and intestines of a dead cat, and to solve long and complicated (read: boring) Algebra problems. Hope all your guys' days go fantastically. *hugs to all*