Mar 27, 2006 17:07
*Sigh* It had to be absolutely beautiful out today, didn't it? I never really appreciated those stupid little things that you can do that I can't do right now (i.e.- sleeping on my side, getting out of the damn shower, tying my shoes). I've been on crutches before, but never this long, and I've never been in this much pain before. It's like hot needles driving into my knee every time I even think of moving it.
Wow, I'm such a little ray of sunshine, aren't I? This is just getting to me really badly. I have Solo & Ensemble on the 8th, so I hope I'm doing better by then, because it's really hard to stand up straight like this. Plus, I don't really know my other song that well. Must work on that.
So, how's everyone doing? Life treating you well? Good luck on your interview tomorrow, Allie! And I hope Stats doesn't kill you before school is out, Cassy.
See ya -Lisa