I'm gonna bitch, deal with it...

Nov 05, 2007 00:30

***WARNING- I'm extremely pissed off right now, and there is extreme cursing ahead. Thought I'd let you know.***

So yeah, I'm not liking life so much right now. I have to read the play "Tartouffe" for Play Analysis tomorrow, and I'm just saying screw it because I have a Chemistry exam that I know I'm going to fail unless I inhale espresso like there's no tomorrow and pull an all nighter. In which case I'll fall asleep during the exam and fail it anyway. Can you say FUCKED?

We did our monologue performances in Improvisation last week and the week before, and I just saw my grade- 83%. EXCUSE ME?!?!?!?!?! I worked my ass off with that monologue, every day and night till it was driving my friends crazy. He gives me the most RETARDED monologue in the entire class- I have to play a widowed 43 year old. Umm...I'm 18. I don't even have a fucking boyfriend, so you say to us over and over "Don't choose a monologue you can't identify with or that's not close to your age." Then you turn around and fucking give me a monologue like that?!?!?! What the FUCK was he on? I think I'm going to fight it, but I can't even think straight I'm so pissed off. And he gave everyone in the class someone they could talk to in their monologue (like another character to concentrate on so you're not staring off into space). Know who my partner was? THE FUCKING AUDIENCE! Who the FUCK am I supposed to concentrate on? And when I perform my monologue, he tells me that my gaze is wandering. EXCUSE THE FUCK OUT OF ME?!?!?!?!?!? You tell me to look at the fucking AUDIENCE and tell me my gaze is wandering? AUGHHHHHHHHHHH And while I've been busting ass in that class, he's handing out grades, and I have a fucking 79. Come on, that's 8% lower than the class average, and I'm working twice as hard in that class than almost all of my others, because it's one of my required major classes. I'm seriously ready to cry over this class and this Goddamn professor.

I have a Chem exam tomorrow, and I seriously don't want to take it. I don't get molecular reaction equations, total ionic reaction equations, or net ionic reaction equations. And how the hell can you tell if a compound is acidic, basic, or neutral? It's got something to do with Hydrogen, but that's all I know or care about. I hate that class too. I spent three goddamn hours on a single problem, and because I don't get it, I know she's going to ask ten million questions on it.

Asked a guy out the other day. We had been talking and flirting, and I thought he liked me, so I took the plunge and asked if he wanted to go out for coffee. Know what he said? "No, you're not pretty enough." Thanks, dickwad. I hate men. Honestly, how much of a dick do you have to be to say that to someone. I mean, I know I'm not pretty or anything, but do you still have to SAY it? Grr.

I'm not liking college so much right now. And I figured out I can't go home next week because I don't have any way of getting back, meaning I can't see all my friends and I miss the Christmas in Clawson craft show, which I haven't missed in forever. Seriously, like ten years or something. I never miss it. And the library is having their book sale the same weekend, and as dorky as it sounds, I hate missing that too.

And I keep getting migraines, and I know it's because I don't have time to sleep or go to the gym lately, and I'm becoming a total fatass and I'm really hating life right now. I need to go eat dinner then take a shower so I don't have to get up at 6:30 tomorrow morning so I don't miss my fucking 8 AM class.

Sorry if I offended or bored anyone, but I really needed to rant and bitch and moan about my pitiful life.
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