In your own space, write a love letter. Write it Fandom in general, to a particular fandom, to a trope, a relationship, a character, or to your flist. Share you love and squee as loud as you want to. Leave a comment in this post saying you did it. Include a link to your post if you feel comfortable doing so.
To the fanfic authors who have opened my eyes, given me courage, taken me on journeys I had not imagined, made me love (and hate) sympathise, rage, and cry. I did not imagine, when I first found fanfiction, that there would be so much to love. I had wanted the stories you gave me for years. It was as if I had uncovered a treasure chest. When I first found fanfic in 07, there was still a stigma hanging over it, I found, although not to me, whom had never heard of fanfic. I simply expected truly wonderful stories, and by luck or sheer chance I found them. Many of them are still my favourites, and I go on the journey with new stories all the time.
Do not let any-one ever dim your luster. Accept that you have talent. You write superbly; you know how to build characters, tell stories, keep me enthralled, and although I am a bookworm, I am not that easy to please. Only a few books ever make it to my 'top shelf' where they fall apart through so much reading. That you have chosen to write fanfic, rather than publishable works is a boon for me, since you are giving me exactly what I want. I cannot now imagine how I went through so many years without your stories. I am continually humbled and delighted by your talent, and love you for using it to write fanfiction. There cannot be enough accolades for you, as far as I am concerned. I love you, I love your stories. You are wonderful!
Love letter to fanfic authors here on my Tumblr.