there's a light at each end of this tunnel

Sep 19, 2005 12:00 can i be depressed when i should be really happy?

well satisfied about that one thing.. ;-)

summer kind of changed isn't my best friend anymore...that puts me in for a shocker..cause i really miss our hugs and having someone be there for me...but really it is my fault..

then nicole..she's mad at me a always do something to piss her off yet i dont even realize it..then i get in trouble when i try and defend myself

i feel like shit..ive basically lost my 2 closest friends throughout high school..

im really bad at standing up for myself..and when i do i get in trouble because people are shocked that i did it..and get mad

i also get in trouble b/c i "do too much" and im "too busy" GOD like im sorry i really like being keeps me semi-healthy?? and people think it's never enough...i work my ass off at soccer!
i also work at waterpolo but im basically a joke..and people remind me that im a joke..

i get over the fact that people dislike me..pretty easily..but it really bothers me when someone hates me for no effing reason..and wont even talk to me about it?

ok i doubt ne of u read this..but if u did..sorry :-/ i cant help being depressed
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