(no subject)

May 09, 2004 18:40

Abortion?: Depend. IF it will save the Mothers life, I guess that's okay but most if the time no.  Death Penalty?: I don't like it at all. Too many people are put on death row, who did not do what they were convicted of doing1  Prostitution?: I won't do it but if that's what you want to do, more power to you.  Alcohol?: In moderation. (For people 21 and up only!)  Marijuana?: Just because I wont do it doesn't mean i'm gonna tell you, you can't.  Other drugs?: I don't like them, but same as with Marijuana.  Gay marriage?: Who are we to say they are less then American.  Illegal immigrants?: Don't know, if they come here so they don't die(when they haven't done anything wronge!) then it's okay with me I guess.  Smoking?: Not for me and don't get too close if you do, I have prob's breathing around smoke sometimes.  Drunk driving?: BAD!!!!  Cloning?: *shurgs* don't know yet.  Racism?: It's a bad thing and it's gotta go.  Premarital sex?: it's up to the couple, and that's something they need to talk about together.  Religion?: Not a big thing with me.  The war in Iraq?: Defensless country vs. USA = Pointless War!  Bush?: Sucks, and was never elected to start with!  Downloading music?: It's okay, for one or two songs off a cd, but not the whole cd.  The legal drinking age?: I know why it's were it is, but people drink anyway so they sould just lower it and be done with it already, and just because you can doesnt mean you will drink. Porn?: Just so long as I don't have to see it, I don't care about it.  Suicide?: We can't stop it, but if someone is willing to kill themselves, do we really want them around other people they can try to take with them the next time they want to die? 
What is your stand on..... brought to you by BZOINK!
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