day 05 - your definition of love
I think love is something that’s really hard to define. “Love” can range from the feeling you have for your family, best friend or lover. I think it’s when you have the others best interest at heart but at the same time they complement you and try to do the same back. They keep you on your feet when needed to and are there to support you through your best and worst time. You know that person is there for their personal benefit, but because they genuinely care for you. Someone you can laugh about the most idiotic things with and you wont feel embarrassed, or someone you can tell all your deepest secrets and dreams to and know they’ll understand it, someone who accepts you for who you are and wouldn’t try and change you unless your actions were hurting you or putting you in danger. I don’t think love is just something exclusively for lovers, it can be the same feeling for best friends and family too.
day 06 - your day
Went to sleep finally at 5:30 am.
Wake up at around 10am.
Vacuum the entire house.
Make breakfast.
Bitch some stupid chick out on Facebook.
Clean my mothers car.
Go to the mall with a friend.
Visit our other friend at his job.
Walk around looking for a gift for my friends girlfriend.
Eat at the food court.
Go to Starbucks.
Come home.
Talk to Maru (my wife)
Go get some groceries.
Talk to Tomi.
Talk to Maru some more.
Procrastinate and do this meme.
Most of my day was spent talking to Maru. LOL. It’s not the next day for me till I wake up.
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day 01 - introduce yourself
day 02 - your first love
day 03 - your parents
day 04 - what you ate today
day 07 - your best friend
day 08 - a moment
day 09 - your beliefs
day 10 - what you wore today
day 11 - your siblings
day 12 - what’s in your bag
day 13 - this week
day 14 - what you wore today
day 15 - your dreams
day 16 - your first kiss
day 17 - your favorite memory
day 18 - your favorite birthday
day 19 - something you regret
day 20 - this month
day 21 - another moment
day 22 - something that upsets you
day 23 - something that makes you feel better
day 24 - something that makes you cry
day 25 - a first
day 26 - your fears
day 27 - your favorite place
day 28 - something that you miss
day 29 - your aspirations
day 30 - one last moment