Dec 03, 2009 18:55
So today, I'm doing ringworm baths, moving recently infected cats out of the momma room and into the sick room, passing through the dog kennels between them. On my way through, I turn a corner just in time to see some blonde chick ducking under the rope with the huge white sign dangling from it that says "QUARANTINE: DO NOT APPROACH." Mind you, she's ducking under on her way BACK into the public dog kennels.
I stop dead. "You can't be back there!"
Her: oh really?
Me: Yeah, that's what that sign means.
Her. Oh, I didn't realize that meant I couldn't go look.
Me: Well, it doesn't mean "Duck the rope and come on in!" That German Shepherd back there could take your head off, but that's not the reason for the sign. Theres also a litter of sick puppies back there. We don't know what they have, or if it's contagious. So if you stepped in their germs, then walk all over the shelter, you are endangering every animal in here. Which is why that tray of bleach solution and irrigation boots are right there next to that rope.
Also today. Group of frat boys outside in our dog play area in their underwear and santa hats taking pictures with the dogs. It was 20 degrees.
Woman on phone wanting to surrender her cat who hates other cats so bad that merely seeing another cat sends him into rages where he bites people. Didn't really think through the fact that he'd be in a cage surrounded by other cats, and being handled by the general public in that environment.
Idiotic people without the IQ required to operate doors. I think I walked past the kennel door ONCE where I didn't have to shut it. At one point, somebody let a dog out of his kennel, who then ran through the open door into the cat area, and started having a hay day. Other employee rounds up dog, goes back into kennels, yells "did somebody lose a DOG???" Person responsible didn't seem to recognize the fact that if you let a dog out of it's kennel, you should probably make an effort to chase it down. Or at least alert a staff member. Since that particular Lab/Akita mix isn't good with cats. Sorta wants to eat them, even.
Never have I been so happy to be stuck all afternoon in the sweltering laundry room doing lime-sulfur dips.
On the positive side, the American Eskimo who came in on deaths door is a whole different dog today. He grinned at me, walked outside on his own four legs, and ate treats and canned food off the fork. Amazing what 2 days worth of antibiotics and food will do for a sick dog. And shaving off all the feces matted fur around the back end too. Tuesday the vet was "cautiously optimistic" that he would survive.
Have I mentioned I hate people sometimes?