(no subject)

Mar 13, 2012 16:19

Those Ensembl species witterings ...

Alpaca - "Orgle!"
Anole lizard - "Bob, bob!"
Armadillo - "Brrrm!Eeeek! Arrgh! Thud! Splat"
Bushbaby - "Waah waah!"
C. elegans - n/a
C. intestinalis - n/a
C. savignyi - "Pfff"
Cat - "Mee-OW!"
Chicken - "B...ook-buk-buk!"
Chimp - "Right turn, Clyde!"
Cod - n/a
Coelacanth - n/a
Cow - "Moo-oooo!"
Dog - "Rossages!"
Dolphin - "So long, and thanks for all the fish!"
Duck - n/a
Elephant - "Trumpety-trump, trump, trump, trump!"
Ferret - n/a
Fruitfly - n/a
Fugu - "Bloop bloop"
Gibbon - n/a
Gorilla - "Wild? I was absolutely livid!"
Guinea pig - "Ooeeeek!"
Hedgehog - "Rustle rustle"
Horse - n/a
Human - "Doh!"
Hyrax - EEEEuu! EEEEuu!"
Kangaroo rat - "Boing-boing-squeak!"
Lamprey - "Rasp rasp"
Lesser hedgehog tenrec - "ssssssssSSSSSS"
Macaque - "Eek eeeek!"
Marmoset - n/a
Medaka - "Welcome to the 100 Mile High Club!"
Megabat - "Two! Two flying foxes! Mwa-ha-ha!"
Microbat - "...)) ) )"
Mouse - "Squeak squeak!"
Mouse lemur - "Waah waah"
Nile tilapia - n/a
Opossum "Choo choo"
Orangutan - "Ook!"
Panda - "Hello Sooty! Hello Sweep!"
Pig - "Oink"
PIka - "Pika! Pika-pika! Pika-chuuu!"
Platyfish - n/a
Platypus - "Splash, splash, rrrwrrh!"
Rabbit - "Eh, what's up, doc?"
Rat - "Eeeeek eeek"
S. cerevisiae - "Burp!"
Sheep - n/a
Shrew "... ...."
Sloth - "What? You got to go there?"
Squirrel - "Chirrup! Chirrup!"
Squirrel monkey - n/a
Stickleback - "Ouch! Ouch! Ouch!"
Tarsier - "Chirpy-chirpy squeak squeak!"
Tasmanian devil - "Pfffrrrttt"
Tetradoun - "Gloup gloup"
Tree shrew - "Rustle rustle"
Turkey - "Gobble gobble!"
Wallaby - "Thump-thump!"
Xenopus tropicalis - "Bwarp!"
Zebra finch - "Tweet tweet"
Zebrafish - "Ploop ploop"

silly link, science

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