I am so very proud of myself for today I cooked chips successfully. I know many of you will scoff at this achievement but in all my previous attempts I have never been able to get a nice batch of cooked chips. So yay for me!
In other things yay, I've been noticing the steady decline in Orli love over the past few months (barring you of course,
achtung_meggy). I think the gorgeous one may have peaked in popularity and is on the downward decline (no, this is not the part I'm yaying about). But today gave me hope, for he made an appearance in two of my flisters posts. First by
jsie and then in this particular post by
lcsulla who makes the very bold assumption that Orli can act in Haven.
Orli Meeting Yummeh.
I found this quote in
dawni's journal which sums up my attitude towards war. It's very hard to believe at times but wouldn't it be nice if more world leaders followed these words:
I believe that unarmed truth and
unconditional love will have the final word.
Martin Luther King, Jr.
My angst tastes like...
Find your angst's flavor Sour yet intriguing, your angst is of the romantic variety. You probably spend a good portion of your time daydreaming about that one person you want, how your first date would be, how you'd love to do certain things, and above all how everlastingly happy you would be together. While there's nothing wrong with this, you know that it's unhealthy to spend too much time dreaming and not enough time in reality, and to build lofty goals and fantasies that no actual person could ever hope to achieve. Try to center yourself and cut back on time spent in your fantasy life; you may find out all that experience creating romantic moments has made you quite the charmer if you would only try!