I couldn't post this yesterday because LJ was down so here it is now because I wrote it all up, just as the site stopped working. Grrrr
It's been an "interesting" two days to say the least.
I've had to deal with helping my dad because he's trying to sell his car and the police claimed that it had been stolen. The vice-principal's assistant (who is a clerical staff member) took it upon herself to undermine me in front of the class as often as she could because I wasn't being authoritarian enough. This was so confusing for the children because I'd tell them they could do something and then they'd get in trouble off her when she came into the room. Because being a secretary and all, she knows more about teaching than I do. At one stage, she got me so worked up, (she had grabbed my arm for God's sake!) that I told her off. I've never been an authoritarian teacher and never will be. I don't believe children learn effectively by sitting at rows of desks in absolute silence. I don't believe that fear of punishment is a good motivator of learning either. I'm going to have a serious look at what it takes to become accredited in other education systems such as Montessori or Steiner schools because the more I see in conventional education, the less I wish to be a part of it.
To top that off, I came home and everything had been spotlessly cleaned up. All my papers had been put into neat piles, everything had been shifted to perfection and my figurines in the loungeroom had been hidden. This was exactly what I did not need. I have so many papers and books everywhere but I know where everything is. As soon as it's tidied, I am completely lost. There was an inspection from the real estate agency and I had asked my mum to let the lady in. Seeing as my mum had to let her in, she decided to tidy up because my place wasn't "fit for an inspection". This was not true, so I probed deeper. Apparently, it's a bad reflection on her if my place is not clinically pristine. So to save herself embarrassment she had to clean and tidy my place. So she advised me that if I want to have my place like that next time she won't let the lady in.
So yes, that's been my fun. Amid all that chaos, I released the Conversations with God book out into the wild of a carpark. I was so reluctant to leave it that once I placed it down and began driving off, I stopped the car to go have one last flick through the pages. I later went to Dymocks and bought Tomorrow's God, also by Neale Donald Walsch. I had been looking for the 2nd book in the Conversations with God series, but it was not available. This particular one looked very interesting, however, and deals with such issues as mass media, fashion, health and diet, parenting and social mores. I will be devouring this little book later on this evening I think.
And finally, I wish to advertise
lotranniversary. I know it's months away from December, but it might be time for us LOTR fans to think about whether we'd like to get together and reminisce and squee and all that other good stuff to partially fill that void of the non-release of a movie this year. This community is to discuss and facilitate organisation of any events. So please visit!