Happy meme thingy

Apr 24, 2009 23:52

I just realised I will have to spam you daily with happiness, lol.

Well, today my mentor finally mailed me that he will read thesis tonight and we can discuss it tomorrow. Wheeee! (Nevermind the fact that I sent it to him on Sunday.) This way I shall have time to make changes Sunday and Monday and hopefully hand it in on time. I can't wait for it to be over and done with.

Also, there is happiness for tomorrow too, because I might not be around the internets as I have a sleepover party with friends where we will watch The Lives of Others, drink, discuss life and its subsidiaries and be merry together. Yays!

Also, I'm having such a blast with the fic I'm working on (sequel to my WW2 AU). It has no right to be so much fun. No right, I say!

Have a nice weekend everyone!

meme, thesis, uni

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