Thank you lovelies for the good vibes! Second round for the jackpot went well, if the higher ups give us the green light I might be employed soon. Let's just hope this is going to work out the way it's supposed to. *crosses everything* Never would've thought a position with the government (especially this one) would make me happy, but what did I know indeed when I pledged never to work for them again.
In other news, I should have never ever started playing Dragon Age and that's official. Because damn you Bioware and your stuff that I cannot keep my hands off because omfg SHINY and EPIC and OMG PLOT and CHARACTERS. Okay, not as shiny as Mass Effect but I'm not going to look a gift Warden in the mouth. And it's similarly addictive and exciting.
Human Female Noble path, accidentally picked the name of my mother-in-game for my main, funny moment there. Won't lie, LOVED Cailan, so there goes a huge cookie to the makers for him and Alistair. Totally can't believe Duncan is dead, but all the wikis tell me so. I guess that means it must be true, even though I was so getting my hopes up after returning to Ostagar and never finding his body. Shame.
After recently delving into Skyrim, every time I see the Archdemon I somehow expect the Dragonborn theme song to play. That's mildly annoying, but sort of funny. Speaking of which, I really must romance Zevran with my male Dalish rogue. Should be fun.
I would be kind of curious though how on earth were I to guess I needed to harden Alistair into a good king and how I was supposed to realize the way to actually do it. Considering "Everybody is out for themselves" (or however it went) is kindasorta 150% the opposite of what Grey Wardens stand for, as Wynne keeps reminding me every fucking time since Alistair's approval went above 60. Not to mention when you are trying to romance him on top and there is an answer right there that will give you a +6. Not cool, I say.
I did that damn quest right after Redcliffe, and since then I roped in the Elves and the Magi and working on the Dwarves atm, which means so not going back to try this again. Because, NO. (Sorry, Alistair.)
Also, I really love the idea of getting Dog as a companion. It's brilliant and I adore him. I thought Morrigan would be more fun, recently I simply leave her out of the party because she seems to be IDK, ignorant and malicious? She's not so much refreshing as annoying after a while. Even taking Sten along is better and talking to him is like conversing with a brick wall.
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