Feb 11, 2009 16:26
I love my friends.
Because when I have an emo meltdown that's been brewing for about a week now about the realization that I'm graduating and will once again leave everything I've been looking forward to coming back to for eight months and trying to enjoy the time I have left but failing and worrying and stressing about what the hell I'm going to do over the summer not to mention life and realizing that Beloit's not the same as when I left it...
...because when all these thoughts cause me to crack just as I'm crawling into bed and I flee down to the basement in the hopes that there is a Shoulder still awake, I am suddenly enveloped in hugs and S'mores.
Everything feels so much better today. I'm not ecstatic, but I'm that very sleepy, mellow kind of happy. And I feel a lot more okay about Things In General than I have been for a couple weeks.