Oct 05, 2008 20:14
TGA was amazing
SF4 was amazing
I got 7 wins in a row im happy with that
Alot of people ther are really good
I got my ass kicked alot but im learning
I wish they had it closer to home
Don't feel like going to CF to play xD
The rounds at tga are set to 5 and CF only 3
The ultra specials in SF4 are by far amazing
I think ken,bison,akuma,ryu,abel,guile,and sagats have to be my favorite ultras
But ken mostly it just looks to dramatic up the ass lol
Def had a good time raping games and such
I'm so out of shape when playing dancing games
But then again i only got like 3 hrs of sleep that night lol
I also meet some kool people there
I notice alot of people at TGA are alot friendly then the people i meet at the broken and also like other arcades in jersey dont know why
The Chicken was good at TGA as always ^_^
After that decided to drive back home lol
Bad mistake
I was falling asleep from time to time
Then there was traffic going into NY
Someone got in a accident
Took 30 mins to get back then after that finally made it back to jersey
Went to bed around 6 am
Didnt get up til around now but i'm still tireds
Well time to get some foods before the new family guy starts