[ I've Seen Saw ]

Jun 15, 2005 11:54

Ever since the 5th of May of this year I've been looking for this movie. After a day of partying I ended up in a bar with a guy who joined us in our cab on the way home and we started talking about movies... He got a copy of Saw from his mother and tried to convince us to go and see the movie that same night, we could pick it up whenever we wanted to.

I didn't get his number and by the time I heard the movie was going to be in theatres soon I asked my brother to download it for me. He watched it the same night and even his wife, who is even more critical about movies than he is, seemed to love it!

Usually, I don't waste any time (like I did with the copy of Sin City that I watched the night after I'd seen it in the theatre) but Saw was in my player for a couple of days until I decided to watch it last night...

No spoilers, no hints,... just want to briefly mention that this movie makes Se7en look like an episode of Sesame Street.

Go. See. Saw!

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