art exchange meme
( O N E ) comment with what's in that thar textbox. fill it out with what you want done, what you can provide, etc.
( T W O ) look around & see what requests you can do! commment to the person's thread when you finish. it's no fun to do an EXCHANGE if no one provides, ya?
( T H R E E ) pimp dis shit out
( F O U R ) praise yevon
( NAME ) self explanatory( REQUEST ) what you want. if it's a character, put their name & whether or not they're original. if they're from any sort of fandom, specify please. you can request up to three things( DETAILS ) specifics & such go here~( REFERENCES ) a description or an image will do!( YOUR TURN ) what kind of stuff can you do? sketch, lineart, cg, etc. if you have a link to examples of your work, that can be linked too! PIMP IT
art exchange meme