The past few days have been really bad, but Christmas was great!
-XBox 360 (Yeah, I know. I'm a Sony person. >.>)
-360 Wireless Adapter
-Eternal Sonata
-Tetris Evolution
-Beautiful Katamari
-Mass Effect (which I might swap out, because there's a copy of Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne at work that's the same price. I'm pretty sure I won't have trouble getting Mass Effect again.)
-80GB Silver iPod (my Nano was crammed to the gills)
-two docking stations @_@
-Crystal votive candles and chocolates (from a friend of my Aunt Barbara - for helping her get a Wii for her kids. Bonus feeling of fuzzyness from making someone's Christmas)
-Disney Christmas tape that I used to rent from the library as a little kid
-Pirates of the Caribbean Scene it
-Gift cards
Now, I need to go on a mad chase for downloading even more stuff for my iPod. XD Anyone know how to convert .avi to something the iPod likes?