I suppose I owe the world an update:

Jan 05, 2007 12:15

Christmas = Good. Muu had Christmas Eve off, as well as the day before Christmas Eve and the day after Christmas Eve. So there was actually time for relax and vacation. Muu has also discovered homemade eggrolls and seen the light. No point in talking about lewt. I got it and gave it, and it was good.

New Years = FFXI. Please forgive me. I am a dork. Muu and I spent it at the Archduke's palace "cybering" a.k.a. emoting a single kiss. While in real life we kissed and had gingerale. Fun. Excitement.

Grades = Got them, and they were all right. Even my half-assed "Stereotypes and Gamer project I did for Anthropology went over petty well." I should probably link it, or at least show the final project proposal to everyone. Because maybe for anyone who plays video games, it might be interesting, or at least laughable.

FFXI = Full on obsession again. Muu and I dinged 72 last night, which means I can now do teleports on my DRG/WHM. TerrorFairy is now an adolescent, and he's red, so he looks like one of those rubber chickens. We've also been doing missions and assaults with Kys, Mel, Ther, and sometimes Solly, and I'm having a lot of fun.

Icons = I am liking the fun of making little 100x100 pretties. And yes, I did make a place for them. icy_day_icons.

Stories = My writing has fallen to the way side, but last night I had this weird insomniac desire to write something for Axis. And so I did.

Over and out.
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