Construct the penis as a Weapon of Mass Destruction, spurting and asserting these self-evident truths that all crooks and thieves are created equal.
Two statistics (taken from, which traces its reporting to the Fourth UN Survey of Crime Trends and Operations of Criminal Justice Systems (1986-1990))
-In countries belonging to the UN ECE, more than nine in ten assaults are commited by men
-In most countries, almost ninety percent of homicides are commited by men. In countries where women are more murderous than they are on average, they only account for twenty-three percent of homcides at most
My classes this semester are actually really good. I'm most enthusiastic about my fiction class. I've rarely approached fiction writing at all, let alone in an academic way. Additionally I'm taking two Japanese classes and an English course devoted entirely to War and Peace.
Edit: I figured I might as well post my very first writing assignment, which is due tomorrow. The prompt is given in John Gardner's Art of Fiction and it says "Describe and evoke a simple action." Unfortunately we were given an upward limit of 150 words, so I had to prune a lot.
Practically forgotten in the numbing cold, Rudy’s arms rose slowly in one elegant motion to bring the rifle butt against his shoulder. The dark wood stock glowed dully in the grey light, and gleaming reflections on the black barrel forced kinky tree branches into straight lines that extended in bands toward the muzzle. With his neck extended uncomfortably, Rudy settled the scope’s crosshairs on the deer’s head, tensing the muscles in his arms to steady the shot. His finger savored the smooth, arching trigger for a moment, and then a small squeeze brought a sudden ferocity to the quiet air, a roar that faded slowly as it tore off into the woods. Rudy watched the deer silently collapse.
I don't think it actually evokes much, and the coolest image (in my head) of reflections straightening out along the rifle's barrel came out nearly incomprehensible. Ah well.
Oh, and I'm almost done with school. Three cheers.