Dammit Sarita

Apr 15, 2005 22:56

NaMe? - Eddie Martinez
How Old Are YoU? - sixteen
dO yOu aCt yOur agE? -Shit NO! ask anybody. for what, im a teenager
What GraDe aRe YoU In? - 11
WhAt SchOoL dO yoU gO tO? - edinburg north high school
WhaT tOwn dO yoU liVe In? -E-town
WhAt CoLoR iS yoUr HaIr? - brown
WhaT coLoR Are YoUr EyEs? -brown
WhaT Is YoUr SkiN CoLor? - kaka color
WhAt iS yOur FavOrIte ColOr? - green & balck
WhaT CoLor dO YoU weAr Most? - green and blue
WhaT CoLoR dOes EverYoNe SaY LoOks GooD oN yOu? peopel dont give me compliments
Social Life...
HoW MaNy FriEnds Do YoU havE? - i think a couple
HoW MaNy Best FriEnDs Do YoU have? - im very fortunate...like 5
Do YoU haVe mOre GUy Or GirL FrieNds? - equal
Do yOu TaLk tO StrAngers? - my mom told me not to
Do YoU CoNsIDer YouRseLf PoPulAr? - ... im a loser, nobody knows me
WhatS yOur LaBeL? - retard
WhaT SchOol Do YoU gO tO?- fuk dam same gay ass question as before
WhaT GraDe Are YoU iN? - i dont have patience..shit
DoEs EveRyonE aT schOoL LikE yoU? - LMAO...!!!! Shit NO
WhaT dO thEy LaBeL YoU? - look 4 question up
WhY? - cuz im retarded
Do YoU aGrEe w/ TheRe LaBel For YoU? - i guess
WhaT ArE YoUr NicNaMe thaT evRyOne aT schOoL caLls You? - eddie...some peopel call me special ed
WhaTs yOu FavoriTe ClaSs? - Eng 4 Kromie
WhOs YoUr FavOriTe TeAcHer? - Krom
Do YoU suckUp to TeacHers To gEt GooD gRadeS? - Shit yea...thats what its all about
Have YoU evEr Been SusPenDeD? - yea
HavE yOu EveR bEen tO the PriNciPaLs OffIce? - yea..
HavE yoU evEr GottEn DeteNtiOns..Why? no
Do YoU LiKe yOur PrinCipaL? - nah he suks daballs
Do YoU liKe yoUr AssIstanT pRinCipAl? - escobedo
Do YoU AgrEe WiTh YoUr DreSs CoDe? - shit no
HavE yOu EvEr GottEn aN F oN a repOrt CarD? - no.
WhOs YouR LeAsT fAvoRite TeachEr? - ballesteros...sorry sir ur badace
LoVe LiFe...
Do You hAvE a BoyFriEnd/GirlFrienD? - no
Do YoU havE a CruSh? read my LJ
WhOs yOur UltiMate CeleBrity Crush? -Lindsay Lohan
Do YoU wiSh yOu haD a BF/GF if YoU doNt? - kinda... i get lonely
wHo Are YoU goIng Out w/..If yOu arent SingLe? no one
How LoNg haVe yoU beeN CruShIn on thiS perSon? its been a while...since i could lift my head up hi
If YOu haD tO go Out WitH soMeoNe frOm a Grade Lower Who wOuld It Be? - ;)
Do YoU gO for OldEr Or YouNger Boys/Girls? - my age
Do YoU and Your frIenDs haVe thE saMe Guy/Girl Tastes? -nah... they go for wierd looking girls
Which Of Your Friends Is.. ...
Funniest? - C-lo
Most Outgoing? - Jorge
Blondest? - -
Most Mature? - Charisse
Silliest? - Marco
Stupidest? - Hector
Nicest? - Sarita
most Popular? - me...LMAO Bitchiest? - nikki in a good way
Moodiest? - laura
Sluttiest? - yea...cameron i agree
Really Immature? - me
Goofy? - marco
Wannabee? -dont like wannbes
Most Gothic Acting? - iris
Most Gothic Looking? - iris
Really Preppy? - sarah.. in a good way
ReaLly InTo ShoPping? - sarah
Who Is...
Easiest tO taLk to? vero
moSt UnderStanding? Judy
ReaLLy StucKup?-dont have stuck up friends
On YoUr "Shit List"? dont have one...i dont hold grudges...im too nice

ReaLly Hates You? Carlos G., Rolly, Eddie G., Hmm shitloads of people
Loves You? my mom
Cant Stand You? if they cant stand me they're not my friend then are they?
Is Always Competing w/ yOu? (Marco
Color? dammit already answered.
Food? all kinds

Drink? - sprite
Alcholic DriNk? Budweiser
DeSsErt? penut butter and jelly sandwich
SiNger? disturbed
AcTor? Sean connery
ActrEsS? - Demi Moore
Whats Your FavoRite Sport/s? - football
Do YoU plAy foR a teaM? - no
ArE YoU gOod aT tHis SporT? - im okd
How LoNg haVe yoU liKe thiS SpoRt? - forever
Whats YouR schOol colOrs? - navy & gold
WhaTs yOur scHoOl MasCot? - cougar
dO yOu LikE it? - i guess dO yOU plaY schOol SportS? - got kiked out
HavE yOU eVer PlaYed SchOoL sPoRts? - yes.
Do You..
Do YoU sMoke? no
Have YoU eVer SmOked? umm. no comment.
Do YOu DriNk Alcholic StuFf EvEn thO yoU shOuldnt? yea
Do YoU drInK coffEe? no...its abd for ur liver lol
dO yOu lOok For troUble? nah
Do YoU caRe abOut whAt oTher PeoPle thInk? - fuck them
Last things...
What Was the Last Person that Called You? - vero
Who Was the Last Person YoU caLled? - sarah
Who Was thE lAst PersOn yOu iMed? - jorge
Who wAs thE lasT perSon thAt IMed YoU? -ruby...mcallen the truth...nonpoint i love this song
WhaT wAs tHe LaSt tHng YoU ATe? - an apple
WhaT wAs The The LaSt thiNg yOu DraNk? - water
WhaT waS the Last Thing yOu did? - pissed
WhaT waS thE laST thing thAt gOt yOu inTo aLot Of TrouBle? -skipping...truancy
DesCriBe yOur
HaiRbRush? - i have 2
TooThBrUsh? - its clear and badass
PuRsE? - guys dont have purses
WallEt? brown and empty
FavOritE pAiR of JeaN? - my diesels
FavOriTe Shirt? - my striped long sleeve
FavOriTe HooDie? - grayish black
FavOrite SkIrt? -o i really like my pink skirt
FavOrite CD? - my mixes
FavoRite WeBsite? - yahoo
ChaRacterIstics? - what?
ThIs oR thAt..
Jacket Or HooDie? jacket
BoY oR GirL? -girl
Wallet Or PoCket? - wallet
ShampOo oR CoNditiOneR? -2 in 1
CeLlPhOne Or HomePhOne? - my cells broken but when i fix it u can call me 289 9446
MaLl Or StoRe? - mall
SchOol Or WoRk? -school

BreakFast Or DinnEr? - dinner
McDonalDs Or WendYs? - mcdonalds ShoWer Or Baths? -shower
PooL oR OceaN? - pool...hate the sand
SumMer Or WiNter? - summer
Fall Or Spring? - spring
SnoW oR raIn? snow PiNk Or Blue? blue
Aim Or Yahoo Messenger? aim
Cats Or Dogs? dogs
WinDows Or DooRs? windows
LiveJournal Or Xanga? livejournal
Morning Or Night? night
Staying Up Late Or Waking Up Early? staying up late
Radio Or Cds? cds
Beggining or End? beginning
Last Questions!
How long did this take you to fill out? a fukin long ass time and im pissed the fuk off already

Whyd yOU fill thiS out? cuz sarita told me to, i didnt want to
Are YoU glAd Its ending?shit yea
WhY? cuz its stupid
DiD yoU lIke thiS? -no
Are You guNna hAve OtherPeople fill this out? -please dont
Are You putting It in your Journala couple of my closest friends
2nd tO laSt question... Exciting Huh? - what??

way too fucking long.

No shit
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