I've been trying really hard to follow through with what I keep being told by everyone. That you have to like the way you look, and be confident in the way you look, before anyone else will find you attractive. But I just can't do it. It's such a lie
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There were still assholes though. One thought it was perfectly acceptable to say, Stephanie, you would be perfect, if only you lost some weight.
Though I have more confidence in myself now, and am temporarily not so heavy, I really am not as better off as I was before. Ok, many people hit on me and I do get complimented (I hope I don't sound totally conceited), but the guys are still fucking wankers, the same as before. I have only had 2 serious relationships and have had 6 years between them both. I am currenty single and yes, the guys are still shit heads. Whether I am pretty or not.
An ego boost is nice once in a while, but honestly, there are slim pickings as far as guys go. My last bf still made me feel insecure about my looks. We just need to find the ones that don't just see the outside. And though you will not believe me, you really do need to accept yourself, because if you don't, no one else will.
sure the guys are still asshats (great word btw)... but doesn't it feel better to get attention than to be ignored?
I've never had any serious relationships. I'm 24, and I've never really had a boyfriend... or at least one that cared about me. I've never been pursued. I've never been hit on. I've never been desired.
I'm not saying that I want a boyfriend... but I wish I thought it was possible.
the whole accept yourself or no one will thing, though... here's the problem with that theory. I'm around models and actors a lot, and there's a ton of them who really don't think they're good looking at all. And yet, even though they don't like themselves.... everyone else still thinks they're hot. It's a loophole :)
Well my perspective is probably not different to most others. I moved to HK when I was 11, and most white people are stared at. I soon learnt about unwanted attention. Here and in HK, I've been followed by creeps many times, and a lot of the time I just want to go about my business unnoticed. Being on display is nerve wracking and just uncomfortable.
I don't know that envy of actors and models is a good idea. As you say even though they don't like themselves, everyone thinks they're hot. Well is that a good place to be? Is that healthy? Just because someone thinks you are hot, does not mean they accept you.
In any case, the people I find beautiful, are the ones that are confident.
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