Naruto chapter 356

Jun 01, 2007 15:22

1. TOOK YOU LONG ENOUGH TO FINALLY BE A PLOT TWIST, KABUTO. Goddammit, I've been waiting for you to betray Oro since he said, "btw, if you want to betray me kill Sasuke lol", and you had to wait until he was actually dead to do it. I'D KIND OF HATE YOU FOR THAT IF IT WASN'T KINDA COOL. XD

But I called it. I so called it.

Kabuto: I decided to find a new me, one stronger than Orochimaru-sama.
And I started by integrating his soul into my body.

I mean, that does count as a betrayal, right? ...Right? XD

Anyway. Yay Kabuto.

2. I'll wait for the anime colorings before I get worked up over Team Hebi's obsession with purple, but much as I hate Kishimoto bashing, I do have to admit that this week's color page was a little painful. (I was more turned off by Naruto's neon green cape myself, though. XDD)

3. Deidei just had to go attack Sasuke, didn't he? Way to make me unable to root for you, man. XD

4. I do love the potential the Sasuke vs. Deidara/Tobi set-up has, though, because there's absolutely no way they're going to remain alone for long (I love Sasuke, but he just can't beat two Akatsuki by his lonesome. And neither can he be killed or even seriously injured at this point in the game, so some sort of interruption is pretty much inevitable). I'm torn between hoping Kakashi shows up to fight Tobi (plus I've been waiting for a Kakashi/Sasuke reunion since Sasuke first left), and hoping Suigetsu finally gets some real action. Leaning toward Kakashi, though.

5. Also hoping for a Sakura vs. Karin bout soon as well, hopefully one which reminds us that, hey, Sakura is really damn cool, and hopefully one that will involve Karin actually being cool as well. Because she had too much potential at her introduction to be constantly ignored in favor of the boys. So yeah, hopefully Sakura's puppy will stay on "Sasuke's" trail, and eventually put two and two together.

6. GIANT SNAKE. Oh God, Sasuke, summon Manda already. I'm dying here. XD

7. I like that Kishimoto writes chapters this good every now and then so people shut up about him supposedly failing at life. <3

::really looking forward to next week::

senseless gushing, naruto manga

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