Things I love about the Shippuuden premiere

Feb 16, 2007 00:58

Just so I can remember my first impressions later on. Because I can't even describe how much I fangasmed over the whole thing. XD

1. The opening. Now, I've been hearing complaints that the anime spoiled the Team 7 reunion by showing it RIGHT OFF THE BAT IN BEFORE THE FRIGGIN' CREDITS AND EVERYTHING, but I see it this way: for the three people that still hadn't jumped to the manga by this point (and actually, I think they found out the other day that the third person was lying and it was really only two of them), the scene was presented extremely well and actually serves to build more anticipation for reunion when we get to see it for real. It's like those movies that open with a big dramatic scene in which the audience has no clue wtf is going on, and then as the movie goes on, all the pieces fall into place so that by the time we actually get to the scene for a second time, everything makes sense and it's all very satisfying. I think this scene played very well in that sense. And hey, for all of us that do read the manga, you have to admit it was awesome and you know you wanted to see it. XD

2. The OP. Holy shit, my new favorite by far. Love the song (right down to the title--"Hero's Come Back", doesn't get much more fitting than that), the animation (truly gorgeous, especially the opening shot, and that one black and white shot of Sasuke), the way it was put together and foreshadows what's to come so well (the scenes with everybody reaching for Gaara were great and really set up the Rescue Gaara Arc well), and the way it was just so stylistically put together. It felt like I was watching a Bleach OP rather than a Naruto OP. Which is a good thing. THREE TWO ONE MAKE SOME NOISE D:

3. Naruto's return. The shot with him standing on top of that pole with his arms outstretched looking at the village and the new improved Hokage mountain is still one of my favorite Naruto images ever. I got giddy the first time I read it in the manga, and apparently the giddiness hasn't yet worn off.

4. Naruto's reunion with Sakura. "You're taller than me!" "Wow, Naruto's gotten so mature!" "No, wait, he hasn't!" *PUNCH* And then my favorite part--Sakura stomping over to the fallen Naruto, grabbing him by the ankle AND LIFTING HIM UP OUT OF HIS LITTLE DIRT HOLE ONLY TO DROP HIM BACK ON THE GROUND, PICK HIM UP, AND SHAKE THE LIVING DAYLIGHTS OUT OF HIM. I just cracked up, probably even more from extreme giddiness at seeing TS!Sakura own in the anime for the first time ever than from the hilarity of the moment (which was extremely funny, btw).

5. Naruto's reunion with Kakashi. Kakashi'll never show it, but he missed him. It was good to see the team almost-reunited again. Also, priceless reaction to Icha Icha Tactics FTW. (Loved him opening the book and being all like, I FEEL THE POWER. D: XD)

6. Gaara. Oh hell yes, Gaara. Also, Naruto's reaction to learning that Gaara was Kazekage, because it was just so wonderfully Naruto.

7. DEIDARA. And his voice--perfect. Deidei's my favorite Akatsuki, so seeing him in the anime at last was great. (And I think I forgot to mention, but I loved his little moment in the OP too.)

8. How the memories of the first bell test somehow managed to make for a moment that was both poignant and hilarious. I knew the extreme!emo moment was coming because of the manga, of course, but the anime got it just right, and just... XDD

9. The ending song. Again, I think I have a new fave, especially the crack animations of Naruto and Sasuke competing (couldn't stop laughing at the scene where chibi!Sasuke set chibi!Naruto aflame and all of Sasuke's chibi!admirers appeared out of nowhere to love at him while poor Naruto lay there all charred and crispy in the corner. XD And the scene with little Sasuke then handing hard-working little Naruto a towel was just cute, dammit). And they did a wonderful job of combining the crack with the pretty scenes of Naruto and Sakura reminiscing as well. All in all, my only complaint is that the text from the credits make the pretty scenes un-AMV-able for the time being, which is a real shame.

10. The preview for the next episode, because smashy smashy and Gaara vs. Deidara FOR THE FUCKING WIN, people.

[/fangirl gushing off. yay timeskip]

team 7, sasuke, naruto anime, sakura, kakashi, naruto, senseless gushing, music

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