Title: A Song for Johnny
Recipient: Patrick, TheVanishingAct,
onbroadway_36Request: The time period should be set in the twenties. I want a Muggle female entertainer to catch the eye of a wizard, and he snoops into the lounge she performs at to get a glimpse of her. And I want period setting... Please have them kiss, and have the Muggle entertainer singing
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Comments 6
And, thirdly:
Ahem. I want to badly button-mash right now, but I don't think that'd be wise. >.> I might kill my keys.
“My name is John Weasley,” he whispered.
“I know,” she breathed at his neck, “but you always looked like a Johnny to me.”
OMG. That was like... SO PERFECT. Just perfect. You are perfect. This is perfect. You made an actual singer... and... I... OMG. I am just so happy right now.
Trelawny! *dies* That was hysterical. And the reaction of "Between the Sheets" and just Mrs Weasley's reaction to everything. And... everything. OMG SQUEE.
And Anna, I know you said you're glad I liked it... but... Anna, I didn't like it. I loved it. *HUGGLES*
*is delighted*
So... have I got your approval to post it on MNFF? And do you think I should?
*grins wildly at Pat's reaction*
I can think of no one better to write that story for Pat my dear Anna. It was so wonderful, I really loved the twenties setting and Elsie Carlisle...that was so very clever of you to look it up. And then the tie-in to canon. You really are quite clever Anna. I cannot wait to really review this story when it gets posted...as I am quite sure Patrick will allow.
*smiles* Well done dear :)
I lOOOOOVED this story! Anna, it is sooo cool. Great characterizations and setting, evrything was really nice. I love Elsie she was a great character, she and John are a really cute couple.
Oh Johny!
Therefore, I will just squee a little! Nothing compared to Patrick, but that hardly matters!
I adore the atmosphere you created, it was just perfect. I loved your descriptions of the clothes and the club. I loved the last line. I loved Agatha. I love that Elsie is a real person. I pretty much love it all. Just like I love you, dear.
That made me happy.
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