Dec 19, 2004 20:54
Wow, tis nearly christmas and I guess I should feel amazingly hyped up and jolly but to be honest not really that bothered. I mean ok, its meant to be a celebration of a great year, but to be honest whats been great about it???the only things I can remember are the hours of torment of revision, coursework and exam stress, great!Oh yer and of course there was the fact i lost my best friend who by the way if she reads this, why don't you bother to call? I mean I say lost, shes not dead or anything but I donm't hear fromm her at all, ever!What did I do to u exactly? I mean i guess theres rafvep and everything but then that all got ruined later in the year anyway, and to be frank cadets is just a big disappointment and just a long drawn out torture that i won't give up purely the little glimmer of hope that suggests that maybe just maybe it might improve, 4 xmas day i'm meant to spend it with my mum, great! she justs blames me for the way her life has turned out, i swear. I really think she resents me coz she couldnt go out when i was little and now she wants to punish m efor it buy making me do housework while she goes and gets drunk. Depression. As for school well i guess luffa is ok and i've met some cool people, its just not the same really, I mean i miss every1 so much, i know i see most of them, like rosie,ben,bev,maddy,daz, fenner,jess n vicki alot its not the same at all.I guess i should be happy i've got my boyfriend to be happy about but then hes not xactly being mr wonderful at the moment anyway, so yup its gonna be one bnig happy yuletide.
But then i should list the plus sides considering i dont wanna end on a downer, I'm seeing u all on the 22nd, i cant wait. I really love my friends, they're always there for me no matter and that means so much to me, i really do love you.and i do love chris, as much as hes winding me up at the moment i do love him and i know i want to be with him for a very long time, i just wish sometimes he could spend mor etime with me, but i guess hes getting a car soon so maybe then. I guess i'll see. well ttfn, ta ta for now!