Character analysis

Jul 13, 2009 20:29

Some of our players suggested that, to improve their abilities as the character they play as well as that characters interpretations, that a post be created in order to anonymously rate said character.

The player that voluntarily wants to be rated can post as their character. If there there is something specific they need help with, or would like to be evaluated on please make sure to state as much. Examples of this would be whether or not the character is in character or for a deeper look into your characters psyche.

Replies are to be posted as anonymous, to prevent further fights or bitterness between the players. Your comments should be constructive; there will be no flaming or leaving negative comments. If you think there is something off about the character post what it is and suggest ways the player can improve on it.

The replies don't need to be long but please make sure you know the character before suggesting any improvements. It's no good to say someone isn't playing another character properly when you don't know much about that character. Restrain your comments to only what the player originally requested. Players are free to ask anon for explanation on a certain topic, with respect, always.

Please, keep it simple. Avoid ranting, bashing and personal rivalries, this is just for personal improvement, and is completely voluntary.

This post will be deleted at the first sign of aggression or rudeness toward another player, but we have faith on you guys to keep up the awesome work you’ve done so far.

Example of GOOD POSTS, if there’s anybody lost:
“Oh, your character is adorable! Though I feel like he’s a bit too sad, especially when he’s around his friend. Maybe you could use a few happier words while talking to him?”
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