video game stylez

Feb 14, 2006 09:33


Our player awakes, the room is dark, small slivers of light creep in through under the window. The woman reaches over and collects the first item 1x Mobile Phone. She surveys her surroundings a man lies on the bed. She attempts to interact but response is minimal and repetitive. There is a door on the far wall which she finds after some careful sleauthing in the dark. As she steps out of the beginning room there are four options. West, North, East and Down the Stairs. Now she has read the strategy guide and is aware the East lies one of the hardest bosses in the game, +10 to agro if you enter at 6am in the morning. She decides she will face him later. West lies an uninhabited room which after some careful exploration she finds 1xClothes. Entering the North room it resembles a bathroom. She changes and exits quickly. Returning to her original start location she attempts to establish contact with the male NPC. He is a bit more responsive this time and she manages to get a quest line off him. "Dinner at 7pm" She writes this in her diary. There are two more items in the dresser which she adds to her inventory. 1x glasses 1x tablets

Exiting the room once more our heroine selects down. Chucking on stealth mode she tiptoes past the bosses door. Downstairs she finds 1x Healthpack which she consumes right away. On a table on the far corner is 1x Backpack. She throws her other inventory items in the backpack which also contains 1x Healthpack 1x Nintendo DS 1x Ipod 1x Jacket 1x Water Bottle. One a bench near the exit she finds 1x keychain with two keys on it. Exiting the building she leaves the area.

One of the keys fits into the vehicle parked on the road which luckily our heroine is an expert driver. Using the transport she has only one path to follow which takes her to a new area. Parking the car at the new area she finds her second mode of transportation. A bus. She talks to all the NPC around the bus but only gets a 'good morning' response. Settling on the bus our heroine falls asleep.

The Quest begins at 0800 when the bus arrives at the strategic location of Batchelor Institute. Exiting the bus making sure once more to talk to the NPC who once more says nothing she finds her destination. IT building. There is a computer sitting on the desk, she switches it on. A quest log fills up, enough to keep her busy till 16:21. And here we leave our heroine.
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