Ol Tortimer is wise to me....

Feb 06, 2006 13:13

So I was playing animal crossing. There is this character Pudge a little bear guy who showed up as an animal in my town. His name reminded me of Podge who as most people who have read way back in my journal would know, was one of the guys who first melted my icy heart. Still I hold a soft spot for Podge and always will be. So I decided I wanted my character to befriend and seduce Pudge. I have been sending him little letters full of love and admiration. Also every time I log on I make sure I talk to him first, and the gifts!! I shower the little bear with gifts.

So today I logged on to my little town and it was bright lights or something. I talked to Tortimer the old mayor of my town (called Toaster) He asked me who did I think had the best lights. I of course immediately said Pudge!! I hadn't even looked at his house yet to tell you the truth. Poor Portia was wandering around begging for first prize. So after I voted Pudge and Tortimer said he would put in a good word of my reccomendation I talked to Tortimer again and he said

"uh...Spero you wouldn't have a crush on er.... Pudge would you?"

red faced I scrunched the letter I was about to send old Pudge filled with endearments signed with love. Pudge and I are going to get married one day!!

I did try to set up a love triangle between Rhonda, Gabi & Roald. But that just ended with Rhonda leaving town. Not that I minded she was a little bit "high maintenance" if you ask me...

I had a relatively quiet weekend, spent Saturday hanging with Brendan. Saturday night went to Micks place and we played 500. Though Mick seemed more interested in passing out on the table. Somehow I ended up with him as my partner and he was just NOT thinking properly. That's ok I was prepared for the challenge. I went home and snuggled up to Brendan about midnight. Then on Sunday - believe it or not... I slept in till 10:30am!!!!!!! I must have been tired!@!@. I haven't slept in till 10:30 in a long long time. Damn Brendan and his evil influence of doom.

Brendan asked me to move in with him which I will be getting up to next weekend. My lease expires in three weeks but I am off to Brisbane on the 22nd. I want to get most of the moving done this weekend so I can clean up on the last weekend. Brendan will be the second guy I have ever lived with. Though he is the most easy going person I know. Almost four months and not a single fight yet. We made chocolate mousse last night, I have been trying to make a successful chocolate mousse for years and I figured I would have another crack with Brendan by my side. I think we did it.. I guess we find out anyway :) Tonight!! This entry has become total ramble :D
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