Thoughts on a relationship

Mar 19, 2006 11:19

Ok, so I guess I'm in a relationship now. Kyle has told me how he feels about me, and I about him, and I'm scared to death, I won't even lie. I'm mortified by the idea of someone actually liking me for who I am, especially so soon after the Dan thing. I'm scared that I'm not going to have enough time for him, or that he's going to think that I'm pushing him away, but this time I have some rules for being in a relationship, and if it gets to the point where these rules no longer are kosher with both of us, then I can't continue said relationship.

1. I will take this slow. I want this to be more than what it was with Dan, I want this to be a real relationship. I want to date. I don't want to be clingy to someone or have them cling on to me. We are separate people, with separate lives, that just happen to enjoy each other's company.

2. I will listen to my friends... for the most part. Who knows me better than you guys, right? There were signs with the last relationship, that my friends saw, that just pointed to the fact that the relationship was doomed, and I ignored them. I thought that I could fix everything, but I'm human. I don't have time to be unhappy at this point of my life, and this also means not jumping the gun. I've been careful with my word choice so as not to elude to stronger feelings than I have at the moment. I'm goint to let things play out, and I'm going to listen to my feelings.

3. I need to make a list of priorities and stick to it. I'm really not being very good to my schooling or myself as of recent.

Ok, that should be sufficient for now. I'm going to get some breakfast now.
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