Last Night

Dec 02, 2006 07:04

December 1, 06

This dream started off when by me breaking into a nuclear facility. I worked my way through a few hallways and ended up at a door with a security guard. He was under the impression that I was allowed to work there because i showed up regularly to do experiments. I was soon past him and in to the work area where there was live cores of radioactive material, and a nuclear reactor. Once inside I was making my way to a work station when someone, my wife who actually worked there, came up to the guard and started explaining to him the situation about how I was not actually supposed to be there but I tended to break in and do actually experiments. She convinced him to let her go alone to talk to me. By this time I was using a forged key to release these large cylinders. In the movie, “The Core,” they had to take the container of Plutonium from the reactor and set it next to the bomb to “increase” the yield? Well the container looked like that except the sides where clear and the inside was this green glowing sludge, a la Doom. My wife and I then started doing an experiment on the containers using this vacuum like system. She told me about how they knew I wasn't allowed to be there. I said I know but I am actually helping my doing experiments that they need done and that just because I have the experience to work here but not a piece of paper (a college degree) they won't officially allow me. So we started to complete the experiment when the guard got suspicious and called for backup.

Switch views

Now I am a rogue from World Of Warcraft and my wife is a higher level hunter. The room kind of changes into the zone Azshara and we begin hunting Blood Elves that I need for a quest. She is letting her pet tank and I am helping her kill them. Soon the guards from the nuclear plant show up, but they are now a bunch of wolves lead by a Murloc. The wolf pet takes all the aggro and I start taking them out one by one. Suddenly I notice my wife is no longer shooting arrows and the wolf is about to die. She disconnects before we finish off the last 2 wolves. I start to run to the zone edge to lose aggro on the wolves. I hide behind a hill and on the other side of the hill is a large wall with graffiti on it and a large house window. The dogs lose interest in me and run away while I'm here looking at this wall. Here things start changing. The wall goes off to the left by about 10 feet then stops, but to the right for as long as I can see. There is about 2 feet of space between the wall and the hills of Azshara and I'm standing in between them. To the right of the window is a lot of graffiti that I don't really see but to the left is a pirate's face that has been covered by a blanket. I some how think I drew the pirates face because I can recognize that it started off being a heart that was horribly done but then turned into a pirate's face. Out the window it is bright and sunny and you can see the sea a thousand feet below. To the right the land stops and drops about 1000 feet to rolling hills and a river leading to the sea. The land is kinda turning brown like its late summer early fall, but the air is crisp and fresh.

Switch Views

I become myself again, but I'm dream self. I jump off the ledge and begin flying down towards the landscape were I find a car. I start driving this car but before I know it it has broken down and I'm stranded near a town. The town is small, its consisted of a large barn in the middle with a few houses around and some fenced in farm or grazing land. I shortly visit one of the pieces of land where there is a kid and his parents, the kid seems pretty nice and acts as if he knows what is going on around there but the parents pretend they don't. The kid claims to be the only one able to go into the woods around the place because they are evil things in there including the trees. He even shows me a ring be believes is magic that allows him to venture into the woods. The parents think he has a wonderful imagination and I don't believe him either. So I go to the large barn to find help. I walk in the side and its a long low ceiling hallway from one end to the other with side rooms evenly spaced off on each side. I go left first and there isn't much there except for a bed room. The bedroom is dark and gray. There is no furniture but a dingy bed in the center. A wall on the far end has a door in the center and walking through it shows a closet the full length of the room with two windows on the outside wall. Dusty and empty. As I leave the closet I can hear some noises in the the bedroom like a young girl talking about how her father sexually molests her. I can really only hear what she is trying to say but not what she is actually saying. I think the words are coming from the walls. It starts to creep me out so I go into the room across they way. This room is identical to the first bedroom except there is a boy in the floor here. I can “hover” over him with my mouse(I'm not actually still playing a game, I'm physically there, but I'm able to use a mouse with tool tips to garner information about my surroundings. Almost like a psychic HUD). When I look at him I can read about his history of being sexually molested by his cousins. I begin to feel sad all these children around here being abused. As I walk into the closet a sound begins to get louder. When I enter the closet there is another young boy masturbating rapidly and several other young boys sitting around cowering. All of them have histories of being abused by someone or another. The boy masturbating shows history of abuse by his doctor and as soon as he finishes The Doctor appears, he is actually a ghost that was possessing the boy. As The Doctor flew past me he invited me into the center room of the barn. Feeling sad for the boys I followed the doctor trying to figure out what is going on here.

I go to the center room which is off to the left of the hallway but is much longer than half the barn. The room is also as high as the barn unlike the hallway and the two bedrooms. There is some farm equipment around the walls and some bales of hay stacked up in the corners, but the interesting part is the pile of meat hanging in front of me from the ceiling. Cow, pig, horse, duck, turkey, you name it it was tied up like hanging tobacco by its feet in one large clump. Above it was a cat walk where the owner of the barn (The father perhaps? The doctor seems to of disappeared) was standing and operating a large blade that was cutting the meat diagonally from above the doorway down towards me all the way to the ground. He told me to watch out for the blade. I ducked and it went all the way through the meat but didn't really cut it down. It just kind of made a dark spot where the blade went through and pushed the dirt on the floor up when it went into the ground. The blade then made its way back up to keep cutting the meat. The owner said something about how he had to keep cutting the meat for his family. He also had me push another pile of carcasses in front of the blade. This pile was nothing but bats. The blade made its way through them and then the meat again with nothing falling down. I even pulled on the meat trying to see if some would come off, but to no luck. I don't remember what really happened next much. The owner had a conversation with me that basically came down to “You know to much, boy, and now you have to die.” He said he didn't know if he could hold the bats back any longer either like it wasn't his choice to let me die. I looked up at the bats and they had all woken up and were eying me for a fast meal. I ran back into the hallway and down to the end where a window was. I jumped out the window and started to fly away from the town. I could still hear the owners voice in my head telling me I didn't want to do that its 20 miles to the next town to far to fly. I was already about 4,000 feet above the ground so I knew it would take me but a few minutes to get somewhere else so I didn't listen to his words, but like all evil towns the town wouldn't let me go. A strong wind started up began blowing me in circles and I couldn't get out of town no matter how hard I flew. So I decided to give up and landed on the property of the young boy I met earlier.

I told the boy I was going to have to escape through the woods to get away from here. He told me it was dangerous because it was getting close to night fall. It was suddenly dusk. So he gave me his ring to wear so I could see the dangers in the woods. I put the ring on and headed into the trees and by now it was well past sunset. The ring's power started working and it was like the moon had turned into a giant black light and the trees started glowing different colors. I found out I could ask the trees to please let me pass and they would nicely step aside since I could see them. On my way in I even passed a young girl on her way out of the woods. I waved and we just walked passed each other. I then exited the woods and thought about the give the first tree I met gave me. It was a couple of easter chocolates that I should give away as gifts. I thought about asking the trees to hand the chocolates back into the woods to my friends I had made in there. Evidently I had a few trials to pass to get through the woods. The first was a Frog in a pond with a boat, the second was two forest imps who stole my ring and the third was there but never explored. I decided I would do it on the way back to the town when I went to go get my car.

Now on this side of the woods I entered a large building. It was a dance club. I was mainly full of black people and rap music. I ended up with a nice couple who I danced with for most of the night. There was a cute young girl there that the crowd had moved to put us next to each other since we where the only white people there. We started holding hands and dancing next to each other. Well then things started to get odd. They started to test us. See I was there with a husband and wife friend and so was the girl. So this group dance started where everyone had to hold hands. The crowd then started to shift so my friends where on one side and the girls friends were on the other pulling us apart. The girl wanted to stay with me and so did I with her but I knew of we left our “Friend team” they would attack us and throw us out.

So I let go of the girl's hand and told her I would find her later. Well this caused me to “win.” Next thing I know I'm the star of the play, “Gilbert and Sullivan.” After the play there was much rejoicing and I was to go back through the woods to find my wood friends and then be able to go back home. I got to the three trials and friends I had in the woods and gave them there chocolates and there was much rejoicing. The one odd thing was when I went to the Frog with the boat, my eyes became horribly engorged and where popping out of my skull. Nothing was wrong with them it was just the magic of his place made my eyes really really large. Looked like something out of a kids show from France.

After the frog I'm not sure much of what happened because I woke up before I made it back to the “evil” town where my car was.
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