First Draft

Dec 14, 2007 15:06

Minus some more edits, the first draft of my thesis is pretty much done. 67 pages of joy, (69 if you count the bibliography, which I think will wind up needing to be annotated, so that'll add even more pages).

I know that when I turn this in it's going to get hacked apart and destroyed, which is part of the process. I know that it's taken me essentially two years to get off my ass and write this damn thing, and I still didn't get it done before the baby's due. First draft done doesn't was suppossed to be done-done, defended, and out of my hair.

I've done more in the last 7 days than in the prior 600-whatever. I'm trying to keep my ego out of it, because I know that it needs work, and probably more work than I realize, and that my committee's job is to rip it to shreds so I can make it better. Somehow that prospect still doesn't seem pleasant.

I should probably feel accomplished. I just feel behind.
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