Nov 17, 2005 22:09
Fuck, I am sick and tired of getting the shaft in terms of respect. I've let it slide; I've ignored it for a decent time. But when it comes down to when you can't even say a simple fucking "hello", a nod, or a wave. That just tells me that I'm expendable. Well let me tell you people something, FRIENDS AREN'T EXPENDABLE! And when they are, they aren't your friends and then that makes you the lowest scum humanity has to offer. It should be embarrassing to you people that I can get more respect from the crack heads at work them my very own friends and acquaintances. It seems now a days people just look the other way when there is something they don't want to address, something don't want to see, or something that's bugging them. All because it's the easy way out. If you got a problem with someone bring it up with them confront them about it in a civil manner. It would take not even twenty seconds of your miserable little lives to show a little human fucking decency once in a while. Everyone knows what bothers them, everyone knows what their troubles and feelings are it's just today they're too lazy to figure it out for themselves especially when they can pay someone to do it for them. There is no excuse for not showing the smallest amount of respect to a friend, that is if they are your friend. The human race has fallen so far from what it once was a good chunk of the population use to be somewhat proud and honorable. Today, it seems like I can count these people on my hands. People who don’t show me simple respect when it’s blatantly due, aren’t any friends of mine.