Haiku dump

Feb 02, 2011 21:21

1/365 T-shirt weather turns/a bright, sharp winter corner./Where's my snow, dammit?

2/365 City light window/looking in and looking out/I meet myself here.

3/365 Footfalls on a path/loud as leaves, muted by snow/keeping perfect time.

4/365 Holding space open/accepting invitations/making time with light

5/365 Evil manifests/with a 9-millimeter./What does love become?

6/365 Shadows bend to hear/words whispered on breath of sleep/our secrets are safe

7/365 2011/The year I stop talking shit/and start doing it.

8/365 Wanna make some art/and give it away for free?/Let's fuck some shit up!

9/365 I will memorize/at least one poem a month/and read them to you.

10/365 Ten days, ten haiku./Three-hundred fifty-five more./Bust me if I slack.

10.2/365 BONUS HAIKU! Hold me like the wine/in your glass, in your mouth, hold/me, warm me, taste me.

11/365 Let the city freeze/Perpetual motion life/never loses heat

12/365 Cedar allergies/confirmed! Skin test tells me so./Claritin D, please!

13/365 Honey in my tea/crazy-faced cat on my lap/and you on my mind.

FOUND HAIKU: When we are all passed/over, the rhythm of the/river will remain.

14/365 Bringing down the day/into red sunset slumber/heavy blanket dreams

14.2/365 Grey morning vespers/crack the bed-baked oven door/breaking my fever

FOUND HAIKU: "I know, I know, I/know, I know, I know, I know,/I know, I know, I..."

15/365 FOUND HAIKU: Don't stop believin'!/Hold on to that feelin', yeah!/Streetlight people, whoa! (Inspired by Harrison Knight, who chose this as his wake-up song this morning.)

15/365 I have lost my voice./What few words remain, I will/save them all for you.

16/365 This is not the best/haiku ever written. This/is just a tribute.

16.2/365 Winter rain has made/something dangerous of my/lazy summer creek.

16.3/365 The days roll their eyes/like startled horses and fall,/each after the last.

17/365 Like childhood neighbors/we open bedroom windows/connect in the dark.

18/365: Current dilemma:/Go vanilla gorilla/or dress that shit up?

19/365 The moon spills her light/pregnant belly of a bowl/forever breaking

20/365 Pregnant belly moon/sways above in proud display/twelve since you've been gone

20.2/365 I don't remember/my dad being this funny/when I was a kid.

21/365 You are marvelous!/You and you and you and you!/You, especially!

22/365 Waking up: a simple/opening of the self./So few master it.

22.2/365 Here's a post-race first:/Gobs of fake gorilla fur/clog my shower drain.

22.3/365 Iggy Pop is my/head cheerleader: I'm worth a/million in prizes.

23/365 Your gift to the world:/Accept yourself as you are/with loving kindness.

24/365 We drift, together/apart, together again./Distance is stupid.

FOUND HAIKU: She fell in love with/the drummer, another and/another. She fell...

FOUND HAIKU: Something in the way/she knows and all I have to/do is think of her.

25/365 What might it feel like/if I removed all filters?/I shudder to think...

26/365 Hello! I'm your ass!/Get the fuck up off me, bitch!/Make some fucking art!

27/365 Whether you call it/setting traps or accpeting/invitaitons... Yes.

28/365 Sun, bike, breath legs breath,/cruise, laugh, traffic, red light pause,/legs breath legs... happy.

29/365 Late day sunlight caught./Ice breaks on the reservoir./The road twists and turns.

29.2/365 A flash of red/A certain quality of laughter/A year already

31/365 The snow, while pretty,/is, as it turns out, mother-/fucking bitch-ass cold.

32/365 Meanings shed: snakeskin, wing/The next moment emerges/Wet, vulnerable.

33/365 Air frozen too thin/February makes a fist/The city flinches
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