(no subject)

Jul 20, 2009 17:06

I quit my job at the bakery!

The boss there, Michael, kept promising me things and then not following through on them. Plus, I wasn't getting paid enough. Plus, the work was agitating my back and my wrist. Plus, Michael screams at people when he's upset. He screams! At his employees! Fuck that!!

So, I'd rather be broke and happy than broke and miserable.

Plus, Gabe is coming this weekend and he's staying for three weeks! We were worried about how we would work out the whole "Oh, shit, both of us work full time and we have a ten-year-old to entertain for three weeks" thing. He'll be in a camp (CIRCUS CAMP!!) for a week, and I'll be able to hang out with him, show him around, take him out on adventures, and generally have fun with him the other two weeks. We're totally going to Disneyland! I can't wait!

My last day at the bakery is tomorrow, and I am so ready. SO READY!

I'm applying for jobs like crazy and have a couple of good leads. One of them is as a course transcriber at the Academy of Art University in San Francisco. Damn, I would love to work there. The other lead is at none other than Pixar! They need production assistants, and I would love to assist some production at Pixar, let me tell ya!

Nico, I think it's time to flex that finger of yours. If either one of these jobs worked out, I'd be on Cloud Nine-and-a-half.

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