Mar 04, 2007 14:23
i love my friends.
after i posted my last entry, i got really really klasdfas; about things, and was pretty much a mess. i went back into the other room where the guys were and just sorta lay there like a lump for awhile. that is, of course, until i was joined by pat decided spooning would make me feel better. after i got away from his clutches, we watched some movie that was pretty funny and inspiring.
at first the laughter was fake, where you laugh but you feel so disconnected you dont even know why youre laughing. but by the end i was starting to come around. then a great deal of awesomeness ensued.
if you know skye,
you know he has what we like to call a custache.
like a mexican.
or a kid who doesnt shave his little pubic mustache.
you know what im talking about.
for some reason, hes never wanted to get rid of it. we dont really know why.
last night, we started ragging really, really hard on him. "senor stache" we called him.
eventually, we decided it was time. pat tackled skye, pinned him, and then i grabbed him and held his arms while pat shaved the custache. he looks much, much better.
in any case, throughout this i was laughing so hard i couldnt breath, and then my piercing started to bleed. it was kinda painful. but totally worth it.
this morning we woke up (by we i mean the guys ripped the blanket off me while i muttered something unintelligable.) had breakfast, and then watched the bachelor party. a tom hanks movie, absolutely hysterical. me and pat and jordan shared a half gallon of ice cream, cleaned it OUT. i love ice cream, so that made me happy.
then we came home.
i hate when you leave something htat makes you happy how you get the down after the adrenaline rush.
i came into the house and the mood here is just so tense and somber and its like fuck, im back to reality.
and i got on the computer and everything else flooded back. it was hitting me once in awhile during last night, but i had distractions. now im aijsd;fas
so it goes.
erikman tommorow, i hope?
i know i hafta go to coventry and change my oil.
whats going on tonite, ideas anyone?